2022 Edition
3-8 may 2022
The beauty and well-being culture week
+0Events in the city
+0In-store events
+0Company events

In addition to Palazzo Giureconsulti, beauty hub of the event, the whole city celebrated beauty and numerous other locations and commercial spaces embraced the cultural project of Milano Beauty Week. Even places of art and culture were chosen to host some of the initiatives aimed at the public.
Milano Beauty Week is an initiative of Cosmetica Italia, in collaboration with Cosmoprof and Esxence, which materialized in a cultural project, designed to promote the values and characteristics that make the cosmetics sector an excellence of Made in Italy recognized all over the world.
Regione Lombardia, Comune di Milano, Assolombarda, Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana and Confcommercio Milano Lodi Monza e Brianza gave their patronage to the event.
ADI - Associazione per il disegno industriale, APA Confartigianato Imprese Milano Monza e Brianza, Beautystreams, Botteghe Storiche di Galleria&Friends, CFA – Centro Formazione AIDA, CNA Milano and Quantis were the supporters of Milano Beauty Week 2022.
Companies, distributors, trading companies and service providers, related to the beauty field and participating in the event, offered activities aimed at highlighting the values of excellence of cosmetic products and its industry in Italy to the public.