2023 Edition
26th September - 2nd October
The second edition of the Week devoted to the culture of beauty and well-being
during the event
at Palazzo Giureconsulti
0euros fundraised
La forza e il sorriso Onlus

Thanks to the rich program of Milano Beauty Week 2023 and the several events organised in line with the main topics innovation, sustainability, inclusion and emotion, more than 100,000 contacts were reached.
Record breaking figures thanks to the novelties of the second edition: from the second venue (Palazzo Castiglioni) which hosted the scientific conference DERMOCOSM, charity initiatives and the exhibition dedicated to the Italian perfumery shops, to the Beauty Cube in Mercanti Street and the Duomo of Milan area, to the Beauty Tram and lots of events organised in different other locations and commercial spaces, places of art and culture in the city.
Record breaking figures were recorded at Palazzo Giureconsulti, too: the “beauty village” - heart of Milano Beauty Week since the first edition - welcomed around 30,000 visitors, three times the amount recorded the previous year.
Thanks to the generosity of Milano Beauty Week community, the fund-raising Beauty Gives Back and the hairstyle marathon Love is in the Hair raised 68,000 euros to support the mission of La forza e il sorriso Onlus.
Regione Lombardia, Comune di Milano, Assolombarda, Camera di commercio Milano Monza Brianza Lodi, Confcommercio Milano Lodi Monza e Brianza and Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana gave their patronage to the second edition of the event.
Milano Beauty Week 2023 was supported by Access Live Communication, ADI - Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, APA Confartigianato Milano - Monza e Brianza, Beautystreams, Blendistrict, Fenapro - Federazione Nazionale Profumieri, Quantis, Spring.
In addition, the event and the related initiatives were sponsored by AMARA, Bormioli Luigi Glassmaker, iMèi, Kartell, KPMG, MiCo dmc, NoMa Flowers, Parmigiano Reggiano, Pasticceria Primavera, Santa Margherita, Scent Company, Sprout World, Takara Belmont, Topless Milano, Vanini Cioccolato, Voda Nature, Zignago Vetro.
Lexus was mobility partner of Milano Beauty Week 2023.
BPM was official sponsor.
The Beauty Saturday Night was sponsored by 958 Santero.
Some newspapers and magazines belonging to CairoRCS Media Group were media partners of Milano Beauty Week 2023: Corriere della Sera, Io Donna, 7, Style Magazine, F, Amica, Natural Style, Imagine.
The official radio was Radio Monte Carlo.